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Becoming a


Membership at

First Baptist Upper Marlboro

The New Testament is filled with texts that instruct follower of Jesus to commit to one another in a way that cultivates love, accountability, and helps in fulfilling the Great Commission. Such commitment is another way of talking about church membership.

Because church membership is such a vital part of a believer’s life, we desire for potential members to understand the privileges and responsibilities of joining First Baptist Church of Upper Marlboro (FBCUM).

Membership Process


Starting Point
Our membership classes that introduce who we are and what we believe as a church


Meet with Elder(s)
Share testimony and discus membership at FBCUM.


Become a Member
Congregation votes to receive candidates into covenant membership

  1. Attend – Starting Point

    The membership classes introduce perspective members to who we are and what we believe as a church. Here you’ll learn helpful information about our life together and how we seek to reach our neighbors and the ends of the earth with the good news of Jesus Christ. People who attend these classes are not required to become members, but completing these classes are required for people who intend to join FBCUM.

    To learn more about our Starting Point class and to sign up to be contacted about the next class (click here.)

  2. Interview – Meet with an Elder

    Membership interviews are a great way for perspective members to ask questions they may have about something they’ve heard in one of the classes, seen on a Sunday, or has come up in their time with our church. It also provides the elders an opportunity to learn more about the perspective member’s background, conversion and specific ways the church can care for them.

    After the membership interview, the elder will recommend next steps for the perspective member before their name is brought before the congregation to be considered for membership.

  3. Join – Become a Member

    After elder recommendation, one of the elders will share appropriate portions of the person’s testimony during one of the church’s quarterly members meetings. The congregation then votes on bringing the individual into membership. The vote represents an affirmation of the new member’s profession of faith as well as the commitment to love, pray for, and encourage them in following Jesus (as well as an expectation that they will do the same for them).

Upcoming Classes

Monthly – Worship Playlist

Master Play List

Upcoming Sermons

DateTitleBible Text
10-MarA Letter from Jesus on EnduranceRevelation 3:7-13
17-MarA Letter from Jesus on CorrectionRevelation 3:14-22
24-MarThe Triumphal Entry of the KingLuke 19:28-44
31-MarHe Has Risen Indeed!Luke 24:1-12

*NEW* Sermon Card

Starting Point

Class 1What we believe: What is the Gospel & FBCUM Statement of Faith

Class 2Who we are: FBCUM History and Church Covenant

Class 3Where we’re headed: When we Gather, Scatter, Leadership, Outreach, and Prayer.

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